Celebrating Two Milestone Birthdays Here at Templeton House

We were delighted to see Bill and John turn 100 years old throughout October and November. It was a pleasure to host Bill and John’s milestone birthdays at Templeton House.
Bill and John enjoyed afternoon tea with their families in the private dining room and we invited Liam the bagpiper to perform during their birthdays which was a wonderful addition to the birthday celebrations.

The staff at Templeton House went out of their way to ensure the rooms were beautifully decorated with balloons, tableware, a delicious selection of food and drink, and of course an extravagant cake.
Both Bill and John were delighted with the turnout and couldn't have been more grateful to see their families, for the gifts, the performance by the bagpiper, and the selection of food prepared by our in-house chef. Both gentlemen also received their birthday cards from King Charles for turning 100 which will be the first of many.
We cannot wait to host more of our residents' upcoming birthdays and our team goes above and beyond to ensure each birthday is as special as the next.
For more information on life at Templeton House near Kilmarnock or if you have any questions regarding the care services we provide, do not hesitate to contact a friendly member of the team who will be happy to help in any way they can.