Dining Room

Nursing Care

Nursing care is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to all of our residents with a physical disability, as well as those who may have higher dependency needs than others. Residents who have recently become critically ill or who may require end-of-life care are also given nurse care.

At our nursing home in Ayr, nurses are experts at recognising when nursing care is the best option for our residents, and they consistently go above and beyond their obligations to ensure that everyone gets the finest care possible. They have the knowledge and experience to spot any changes in our residents’ health and recognise when it’s time to be assessed by a doctor.

What is Nursing Care?

Nursing care is designed for individuals who need continuous medical and personal attention. It is especially suitable for those in need of intensive rehabilitation, individuals with physical disabilities, and people dealing with long-term health issues. This type of care addresses both medical and personal living requirements. Residents receiving nursing care benefit from on-site support provided by healthcare professionals. This makes our home an excellent choice for individuals facing complex medical conditions or critical illnesses.


Nursing Care at Templeton House

At Templeton House, we work around-the-clock to make residents feel at ease and to ensure that they get the most out of their care to live fulfilling lives. Our team is committed to providing residents with the care and support they need to restore their sense of self and continue doing the activities they love. Because of our excellent key nursing system, in which each resident is allocated a nurse, our staff gets to know each individual as well as their family on a personal level which in turn increases the quality of care.

Templeton House Bedroom

What You’ll Find at Templeton House

To guarantee the comfort and well-being of our residents, our care home has been purposefully built to offer a wide range of amenities and services aimed at supporting residents in leading a fulfilling life.

Nurse Call Systems

Personalised Care Plans

Profiling Beds

Access to Doctor Appointments

Access to Dentist Appointments

Access to Optician Appointments

Access to Physiotherapy Appointments

Access to Chiropody Appointments

Nursing Care FAQs

The specific nursing care an individual receives can vary based on their unique needs. Nonetheless, at Templeton House Care Home, we offer a wide range of nursing services. These services encompass medication management and wound care, as well as assistance with daily activities and support for individuals with physical disabilities, mental health conditions, and sensory impairments. We also collaborate with other healthcare providers to ensure that our residents consistently receive the appropriate care to maintain their health and overall well-being.

You should consider nursing care when you notice any of the below:

  • Worsening chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, or dementia
  • Difficulty performing activities of daily living (ADLs), such as bathing, dressing, or grooming
  • Recent falls, injuries, hospitalisations or emergency room visits
  • Significant weight loss or changes in appetite
  • Increased confusion or forgetfulness
  • Difficulty managing medications or complying with treatment plans
  • Need for specialised medical equipment or care, such as oxygen therapy or wound care

Our nursing team will evaluate the necessary level of care and offer guidance on the most suitable care approach. When deciding to move into a care home, it’s important to have open communication with your family and involve the person in need of care as much as possible in the decision-making process.

Templeton House Care Home places a high priority on ensuring the safety of its residents. We accomplish this by maintaining appropriate staffing levels, ensuring that our nursing staff is well-trained and qualified, implementing infection control and medication management protocols, and conducting regular safety audits and assessments. Additionally, we put security measures in place that prevent unauthorized access and safeguard the well-being of our residents.

High Standards of Comprehensive Care

At our care home in Ayr, we take great pride in providing a wide variety of care services catered to different health needs. We firmly believe that every resident should have access to outstanding care, along with the opportunity to pursue their interests, hobbies, and the chance to form new friendships.

Contact Us

Templeton House Care Home
40 Racecourse Road

01292 291 232info@templetoncare.comBook a TourDownload a Brochure

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